Suppose We

An ark ship in 500 years time crashlands on a faraway planet. Sadly, the natives are a million years ahead of Earth, so ignore the hapless humans. How do they survive on this strange vegan planet? Vegan? Yes, there are no predators larger than insects.

Aria Trilogy

Earth is in the grip of an alien virus that aggressively consumes memories, can Ryder’s crew save it?

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  • Oryx & Crake a kind of review

    As a writer I often feel awkward writing reviews of established authors in case it looks like sour grapes but there’s more to praise in this book than gripe about. Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood is another post-apocalyptic story. Good, I like those. Heck, I’ve written one, ARIA: Left Luggage, and the plot of Alien Exit travels along that route. ...
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Suppose We

A surreal science fiction novella, the first in the Flying Crooked series.
Read Suppose We

Award-winning writer of thrillers, fantasy, and science fiction

ARIA Trilogy by Geoff Nelder

About The Author

Geoff Nelder has a wife, two grown-up kids, an increasing number of grandkids, and lives in rural England within an easy cycle ride of the Welsh mountains. He taught Geography and Information Technology for years until writing took over his life. Geoff is a competition short-fiction judge, and a freelance editor. READ MORE