There I was cycling along a quiet Cheshire lane alongside the Dunham Massey deer park when I saw the fields either side had flooded right across my path. I knew it was a slight causeway so I didn’t expect the water to be deep. However, my front wheel was soon creating a bow wave and my feet -even partially protected by overshoes – were under water. I couldn’t easily turn around so I blundered on. Then I saw a group of people watching me and taking photos. Obviously waiting for me to nose dive! Luckily I knew where the deepest pothole was so managed to get through even if with saturated socks.

Storm Henk Floods – Geoff Nelder cycles through a flooded road near the River Bollin, Nr. Altrincham , Cheshire, after heavy rain from Storm Henk hits the UK – Pic Bruce Adams / Copy Marsden – 3/1/24
One of the photographers had a fancy-pants camera so I gave him my email address and he kindly sent me a rare photo of me on my bike.
A few metres on is a narrow footbridge and path leading to a pub called The Swan With Two Nicks [no spelling error]. I carried on up steep hills to reach High Legh Garden Centre, my favourite spot for a coffee.
Nelder’s books in chronological order:
Escaping Reality – humorous thriller •
Hot Air – thriller set in Mallorca •
ALIEN EXIT a science fiction first-contact novel as an ebook only
ARIA: Left Luggage – infectious amnesia scifi •
ARIA: Returning Left Luggage •
ARIA: Abandon Luggage •
The Chaos of Mokii ebook at
Revised Xaghra’s Revenge set in present-day and 16th Century Malta and Gozo now retitled as Vengeance Island
Incremental – 25 surreal short stories •
Suppose We -science fiction space exploration •
Kepler’s Son
Vanished Earth